Prestonwood Forest Utility District Tax Rate

Prestonwood Forest Utility District has set a tax rate for 2024 as 29¢ per $100 of assessed value, the same tax rate as assessed in 2023.

The tax burden for an average home in Prestonwood Forest will be approximately $603 for 2024.

Because of an increase in home values, this translates to an increase of approximately $1.68/month for the average homestead in Prestonwood Forest.

Prestonwood Forest UD Confirms No Lead Service Lines in Water System

Prestonwood Forest Utility District (the “District”) has completed the Lead Service Line Inventory as required by the EPA. Through records, research, and field investigation of the water distribution system, it has been determined that the District’s system has no lead service lines or galvanized requiring replacement service lines.  The system has been determined to be a non-lead community.